Requirements for authors of articles
To publish accepted articles in Russian. The recommended amount of articles — 8000-16000 characters.
Texts should be submitted:
- electronically (format *.doc).
- illustrative material (complex formulas, drawings, photographs, etc.) in addition to accommodation
the text must be provided separate files! - paper A4.
The text should be typed with 1.5 line spacing (headset «Times New Roman»), size 14.
Do not make simple symbols and formulas in mathematical editor!
The printed text should have fields: top and left — 2.5 cm, right and bottom — 2 cm.
At the top of the first page of the article posted:
- section of the journal (see application 1);
- UDC;
- title of the article;
- the name and surname of the author (authors)
- academic degree, academic rank, position and place of work.
References (Literature) placed at the end of the article.
Once literature is located:
- list of keywords;
- brief summary (1-2 paragraphs, but no more a single sheet of A4) in Russian and English languages.
Rounding out the manuscript complete information about the author (s):
- Full name; academic degree, academic rank, position, and a place with an
- English translation;
- business address, contact telephone numbers,
- e-mail address (optional author — home address and phone number).
We pay particular attention to:
- accuracy and correctness of registration of bibliographic list of references (in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008);
- tuned set of articles in the computer;
- full compliance on the electronic file media (disk, diskette) and paper options.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit articles with the terms of the scientific content of the author’s version is retained.
Articles not accepted for publication will not be returned.
The fee for the publication of a graduate of manuscripts will be charged!
Categories journal
- Regular columns
- Instrument making, metrology both information-measuring devices and systems.
- Radio engineering and communication.
- Computer science, computer facilities and management.
- Individual Categories
- Special purpose machinery.
- Innovative projects.
- Technical regulation.
- Professional education.
- Artificial intellect and robotics.
- Novelty of scientific literature.
- Medicine and Pharmaceutics.
- Diagnostic systems.
- Scientific reviews. Scientific reviews. Reviews.
In accordance with the Decision of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Russian Federation for the Protection of State Secrets №69 dated February 26, 2001, the requirements of the law №5485-1 «On state secrets” on July 21, 1993, №149-FZ “On information, informative technologies and information protection” of 27 July 2006 article for publication will only be accepted if an expert opinion from the permission for open publication.
The order of reviewing and publication the articles presented for publication in the journal
- The author sends to the editorial board an article according to «Requirements for authors of articles».
- On receiving the article from the author (personally, by e-mail or by a letter) deputy editor determines the compliance of the article to the journal subject and directs it to an independent reviewer.
- Reviewing articles is carried out by leading experts in the corresponding scientific area. Reviewing is carried out confidentially.
- The reviewer makes the conclusion about the possibility of the article publication within three months.
- In case of the positive conclusion the editor-in-chief of the journal establishes priorities of publications depending on the subject of the journal issues.
- If the article got some remarks from the reviewer, it may be sent to the author for revision. After the revision the article goes again to the reviewer. In case of a negative conclusion of the reviewer for the corrected version, the article is not accepted for the publication.
- The editorial board informs the author about the results of reviewing by email without any discussion with the authors concerning rejected articles. In case of conflict the decision is made by the editor-in-chief of the journal.
- The originals of reviews are stored at the deputy editor of the journal. Reviews are kept in the office for 5 years. The editorial Board sends copies of the reviews in the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation for admission to the editor of the request.
- The materials sent to the editorial board are not sent back to the authors.
- The editorial board does not pledge itself for publication terms.
- Positive review does not necessarily mean the publication of the article.
- The journal «Izvestiya Instituta inzhenernoy phiziki» is a noncommercial edition. The authors do not pay for the publication, the fee is not paid to the authors.
The editorial board and the editorial collegium of the scientific and technical journal Izvestia of the Institute of Engineering Physics adhere to the principles of ethics adopted by the international community, reflected, in particular, in the recommendations of the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (Committee on Publication Ethics).
All articles submitted for publication in the journal Izvestia of the Institute of Engineering Physics are reviewed for originality, ethics and significance. Compliance with standards of ethical behavior is important for all parties involved in the publication: authors, editors of the journal, reviewers, publisher.
Duties of the editor
The editor in his activity undertakes:
- constantly improve the journal;
- follow the principle of freedom of opinion;
- strive to meet the needs of readers and authors of the journal;
- exclude the influence of business or policy interests on decisions to publish materials;
- make decisions based on the principle of fairness and impartiality, ensure transparency of editorial activities at all its stages;
- not to disclose information about the submitted materials to anyone other than the relevant authors, reviewers, other editorial consultants;
- evaluate manuscripts solely on their scientific content;
- decide on the publication of materials, guided by the following main criteria: the correspondence of the manuscript to the subject matter of the journal; relevance, novelty and scientific significance of the presented article; clarity of presentation; reliability of results and completeness of conclusions. The quality of the research and its relevance are the basis for the decision to publish;
- take measures to ensure the high quality of published materials and protect the privacy of personal information. If there are substantial, grammatical, stylistic and other errors, the editorial board undertakes to take all measures to eliminate them;
- justify your decision in case of acceptance or rejection of the article;
- provide the author of the peer-reviewed material with the opportunity to substantiate his research position;
- Encourage discussion and provide an opportunity to present the views of opponents;
- do not use information from unpublished materials in your own research.
Duties of the members of the Editorial Soviet (Editorial Collegium)
Decision on publication.
Redsovet (editorial collegium) of the journal Izvestia of the Institute of Engineering Physics are responsible for deciding which articles will be published in the journal. The decision is made on the basis of the reviews submitted to the article
Redsovet (editorial collegium) adhere to the policy of the journal and operate within the framework of legal requirements, as they are responsible for copyright infringement.
Reviewers or any editorial staff should not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the author himself, reviewers, potential reviewers, members of the editorial board (collegium) and the publisher, since it is confidential.
Disclosure of information and conflict of interest.
Unpublished materials in the provided article should not be used in the research editor’s own research and reviewers without the special written permission of the author.
If a situation arises that involves the violation of the publication ethics on the part of the editor, the author or the reviewer, its mandatory consideration is required. The editorial board (editorial collegium) is obliged to demand clarification, without involving persons who may have a conflict of interest with one of the parties.
If a material containing significant inaccuracies has been published, it must be immediately corrected in a form that is accessible to readers and indexing systems.
Responsibilities of reviewers
Reviewers assist members of the editorial board (editorial collegium) in making editorial decisions, and also help the author improve work.
Any manuscripts received for review should be treated as confidential documents. They can not be shown or negotiated with other persons, except those authorized by the editorial board.
Confirmation of sources.
Reviewers should identify published work that was not quoted by the author. Any statement that an observation, an origin or an argument has been previously reported must be accompanied by an appropriate reference. The reviewer should also inform the editorial office of any significant similarity or partial overlap between the manuscript that is being reviewed and another already published work that is familiar to him.
Disclosure of information and conflict of interest.
Private information or ideas arising in the process of reviewing should remain confidential and can not be used for personal interests. The reviewer should not review the manuscript if there is a conflict of interest as a result of its competitive, partnership or other relationships or links with any of the authors, companies or organizations associated with the publication.
Duties of Authors
Originality and plagiarism.
The authors must ensure that they have written a completely original work. If the authors used the work and / or words of other authors, this should be indicated and quoted accordingly.
Access to data and security.
The author should be ready to provide access to the data associated with the publication material, if any. In any case, the author should be prepared to maintain such data for a reasonable period of time after publication.
Reusable, redundant or competing publication.
The author should not publish work that essentially describes the same research, more than once or more than in one journal.
Providing a manuscript in more than one journal simultaneously means unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
Confirmation of sources.
It is necessary to provide due acknowledgment of the work of other authors. Authors should quote publications that mattered when creating the claimed work.
Authorship of the material.
Authorship should be limited to those persons who have made a tangible contribution to the concept, design, execution or interpretation of the claimed work. All those who made a significant contribution, should be added to the list of co-authors.
The author must ensure that the list of authors contains only valid authors and does not include those who are not related to this work, and that all co-authors have read and approved the final version of the article and agreed to publish it.
Disclosure of information and conflict of interest.
All authors must report if there is a financial or other conflict of interest in their work that may affect the results or interpretation of their manuscript.
Errors in published works.
If the author finds a significant error or inaccuracy in his published work, his duty is to immediately notify the editorial office or publisher about it and cooperate with the editorial staff in correcting the errors.